Sunday, May 20, 2012

Another Hero in the Fight Against Fracking

In a World Run Amuck - we need Heroes - Stephen Cleghorn is one such Hero.   He lives on the Marcellus Shale in PA.  He has just lost his wife to cancer.   And still he fights a tireless battle against Shale Gas to save our next generation.   Please read his words of wisdom and visit his site. 
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Henderson Township, Jefferson County, PA
My name is Stephen Cleghorn. I am an organic farmer operating a 50-acre certified organic farm in Jefferson County, PA. If you’d like to know more about me, visit the farm’s website at and you can learn more about this farm and about me. You can also link to a PowerPoint I have done on the need for a moratorium on unconventional drilling for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale by a means commonly known as “fracking” – which refers to the whole process known as “high volume slickwater fracking of long laterals” to release gas from tight shale formation such as the Marcellus. This blog will be occasional posts about the “fracking” and those who would transform one-half the land mass of Pennsylvania into an industrialized zone to get at the shale gas and realize millions in profits for themselves. The blog’s name is taken from the writings of Saint Augustine who believed “Hope” to be the greatest of spiritual gifts. And, says Augustine, Hope has two lovely daughters: anger and courage. Anger so that what must not be may not be; courage so that what should be can be. Anger and Courage. We will need both in this struggle to defeat the fracking that could lay waste to one-half of Pennsylvania and threaten the water supplies of millions of people. This blog will be about having the courage to stand up to the massive global corporations that would ruin our state, take their profits, and leave the mess to future generations of Pennsylvanians to clean up. We need to rise up, my friends and be not afraid.

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