84,000 - That’s the number of chemicals that are in the marketplace according to a report by CNN News (Everyday chemicals may be harming kids, panel told -- CNN Wire Staff -- October 26, 2010 1:21 p.m. EDT) - and only 200 of these 84,000 have ever been tested for human safety. The statistics are almost incomprehensible in their scope. If you are among those who believe that all chemicals are tested before they are released into the marketplace for sale, you are mistaken, but, you are NOT alone. The public has been lulled into a sense of safety – led to believe that the legal registration required by governments constitutes a scientific health and safety analysis for their effects on humans – when in fact, it does not!! Even the Medical Profession has been lulled into the belief of “safety”. One well-known Neurologist has actually admitted publicly that he was of the same belief. During a hearing of the Senate Subcommittee on Superfund, Toxics and Environmental Health, Dr. Sanjay Gupta stated : "I'd always assumed government watchdogs had evaluated and signed off on the safety of the chemicals we encounter in our lives,".
Dr. Gupta was concerned as well that of the mere 200 chemicals tested, only five (5) have been banned. Dr. Gupta went on to say that these chemicals are not evaluated in accordance with the “precautionary principal” as is done in Europe. In North America, these chemicals are considered “Innocent until proven guilty” Gupta said. While the truly “Innocent” are “Our Children”. And it is because they are innocent that they deserve our protection. They are innocent of any wrong-doing. They have not created pesticides for the foods on our plates; they have not placed toxins in our laundry products. They have not created the chemicals that sell for profit. They are ultimately the Innocent Victims. We hold in Our Hands their precious lives, their present and future health, their greatness, their destinies, and their full potential !! To see video of Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s testimony and read in greater detail about this issue click on the link below: http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/10/26/senate.toxic.america.hearing/index.html?eref=mrss_igoogle_cnn.
Dr. Gupta – has made public his concerns about chemicals in our everyday lives - coming from a Medical and Scientific back-ground. But it is from his heart as a Father of three young girls that he speaks of his greatest concern for their health and their future. Maybe it’s time we were all concerned.
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