Below you will find a list of Dr. Sanborn's findings:
Reproductive Effects: The developing fetus has a critical period between 3-8 weeks gestation when major organs are being formed. This is the period when pesticides appear to have their strongest effect; it is also a time when women may be unaware they are pregnant.
- A California Study showed that maternal pesticide exposure from 3-8 weekis [gestation] was associated with an increase in miscarriages due to major birth defects
- The Ontario Farm Family Health Study documented a 40-50% increase in early spontaneous abortions in farm women exposed to 2,4-D or atrazine type herbicides before conception.
- Research done in Montreal has shown that fetuses exposed to pesticides by maternal home and garden use during pregnancy have a 2 to 5 times [that is to say 200% to 500% greater] risk of developing acute lymphocytic leukemia by age 9.
- The risk of leukemia is highest if the child has one of two genetic subtypes which cause an inability to break down pesticides. This genetic subtype is not a rare occurrence; in the Montreal study it was present in 35.5% of children. In other words, about one-third of Canadian children are born with a specific inability to detoxify commonly used pesticides, and a corresponding increased vulnerability to adverse health effects including cancer. Cancer in Canadian children under age 15 has doubled over the past 25 years.