Monday, October 11, 2010
PAEP Poster - “Baby Cuddles”
According to the Research of Dr. Philip Landrigan
at New York's Mt. Sinai's Children's Environmental Health Center: "measurable levels of hundreds of manmade chemicals are routinely found in the bodies of all Americans including newborns." A growing number of harmful compounds are being found in "everyday household items" and are contributing to the sharp increase in childhood disease and death according to Dr. Landrigan. Due to increasing levels of polluting chemicals, childhood asthma in pre-schoolers is up 160% in the past 15 years. Phthalates - a group of chemicals used to make scent last longer utilized in many scented products in North America - have been linked to hypospadias in newborn baby boys - a deformity of the penis whereby the urethral opening is "misplaced" at the base of the penis. These infants must endure painful surgery at a very tender age to correct the deformity. Dr. Landrigan supports and hopes for the passage of the Child Safe Chemical Act (CSCA) that would force chemical manufacturers to undergo rigorous testing to prove the safety of the 62,000 untested chemicals that they are presently flooding into our homes in the form of everyday household items. Even if legislation were in place, 62,000 chemicals will not disappear overnight. As parents we need not wait until our Governments see fit to protect our children from these chemicals. Our Children deserve our protection NOW starting in the womb. WE - Parents, Grandparents, Guardians, and Caregivers HAVE THE POWER to create change and in so doing - create a healthy world for our children. Nothing brings change faster than a Change in Consumer Buying Habits. Every time we make a choice to buy "Scent-Free" and more natural products we send a resounding message to Chemical Manufacturers on behalf of our kids - that we intend to have - "Chem-Free Kids". To quote Dr. Landrigan: "Children are 30 % of our population but they are 100% of our Future. They deserve our protection." Is there anything more true than these words?
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