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Calvin Tillman Speaks at Breakfast Meeting in Memramcook, New Brunswick, Friday 21, Oct. 2011 |
Parents Against Everyday Poison (PAEP) in co-operation with Shale-Concerned Citizens, Businesses and Environmental Groups of New Brunswick recently sponsored Calvin Tillman in a province-wide Tour of New Brunswick where Shale Gas Exploration activities in the province have rapidly made inroads in the past year. In the photo we see Calvin at his first of seven appearances that would take him across the province from the 21st to 22nd of October.
The "By-Invitation-Only" Breakfast Meeting was held in Memramcook, N.B. where over 80 invited guests - consisting of MLA Liberal Opposition Officials, New Brunswick's Mayors, Councillors, Business and Community Leaders, and Leading Academics were in attendance. Special thanks go to our Volunteer Staffers, Ushers and Consultants for the Memramcook Breakfast Meeting - Rachel Léger, Dorine and Pamphile Léger, Anabel LeBlanc, Anita Boudreau, Michael Stoneleigh-all residents of Memramcook, and Shirlee and Gary Porter of Dieppe, whose efforts made the Breakfast Meeting a great success. Thanks as well to JP Bourque for his assistance. Special thanks go to Thérèse Melanson for her generous offer of hospitality for Calvin at her B&B - Gite 3 Moulins during the Calvin Tillman Tour.